





Today, we’re going to talk about something fun—inviting a friend to hang out! Whether it’s a concert, a movie, or even just grabbing coffee, it’s sometimes better when you have a friend join you. Inviting someone can sometimes feel tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s dive into what it sounds like when you ask a friend to join you for a fun activity!

  1. Inviting Someone to an Activity

Duane wants to invite his friend, Mina, to a concert this weekend:


Duane:  “Hey, Mina! How’s it going?”

Mina:  “Hey, Duane! I’m good, how about you?”

Duane:  “Not bad. So, I was wondering—do you have any plans this Saturday?”

Mina:  “Hmm, not yet. Why, what’s up?”

Duane:  “There’s this cool rock concert downtown. I’m going, and I thought you might want to join me.”

Mina:  “Oh, that sounds like fun! I haven’t been to a concert in ages. Which band is playing?”

Duane:  “They’re called The Black Horizon. They’re really good—lots of energy. Tickets

are just 20 bucks. What do you think?”

Mina:  “Sounds awesome! Count me in. What time does it start?”

Duane:  “It starts at 7 PM, but let’s meet at 6:30 near the venue. We can grab a bite

before the show.”

Mina:  “Perfect! I’m in. Looking forward to it!”

Duane:  “Great! I’ll send you the details later.”

And that’s it! I hope you feel more confident about inviting friends to your next big event or even just a casual hangout. Remember, it’s always fun to share good times with others, and now you’ve got the language to do it smoothly.

Thanks for tuning in to Dee’s English Studio. Keep practicing, and don’t forget to join us next time for more fun and useful English tips. We’ll see you in the next one and until then, happy inviting!”

[Duane and Minako]: Goodbye!


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