





Hello everyone,

Welcome back to Dee’s English Studio. I’m Dee, and I’m here with my co-host, Minako.

Today we’re going to talk about how to make small talk at a casual party. Small talk is a great way to meet new people and break the ice. Let’s dive into a simple conversation you might have at a party.

  1. Small Talk at a Casual Party

Imagine you’re at a party, and you meet someone new. Here’s a simple example of what that conversation might sound like:


Minako: Hi! I’m Minako. Nice to meet you.

Duane: Hi Minako, I’m Duane. Nice to meet you too. Do you know a lot of people here?

Minako: I know a few. Jake and I went to college together. How about you?

Duane: I work with Jake. We’re on the same team at a tech company.

Minako: That’s cool! I’m a teacher, so pretty different from what you do.

Duane: Wow, teaching must be fun! Do you enjoy it?

Minako: Yeah, I love it. Kids are great. How about you? Do you like your job?

Duane: Yeah, it’s fun being creative every day.

Minako: That sounds awesome. By the way, have you tried the food here?

Duane: Not yet, but I’m planning to. 

Minako: Do try the seasoned fries, it’s delicious!
Duane: Thanks for the tip!

Minako: No problem. It was nice meeting you, Duane. See you around!

Duane: Nice meeting you too, Minako. Enjoy the party!

And that’s it! A simple conversation that can help you get to know someone at a party. Remember, the key to small talk is to keep it light and show genuine interest in the other person. Practice this conversation, and you’ll be ready for your next social event!
Thanks for joining us today at Dee’s English Studio. Keep practicing, and we’ll see you next time!

(Dee and Minako):


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