





Hello everyone,

Welcome back to Dee’s English Studio. I’m Dee, and I’m here with my co-host, Minako.

Thank you for joining us.

Today, we’re going to discuss how to politely decline an invitation in both business and casual settings. While it may seem like a small thing, knowing how to say “no” gracefully is an important skill. When done correctly, it allows you to turn down an invitation respectfully while maintaining a positive relationship with the person inviting you. Let’s explore how these conversations typically unfold.


  1. Declining a Meeting Invitation (Business Setting):

First, let’s look at how you would decline an invitation in a business setting.

You are asked to attend a meeting, but you have a scheduling conflict. You respond professionally, offering alternatives and a solution.



Duane: Hi Minako, can you join the meeting at 3:00PM today to discuss the project updates?

Minako: Hi Duane, I’d love to join, but unfortunately, I have a call with a client at that time. Would it be possible to reschedule the meeting for later today, or could I catch up with the meeting notes afterward?

Duane: I understand. We’ll have other team members available to discuss the updates. If we reschedule, I’ll let you know, but otherwise, I’ll make sure to send you the meeting minutes as soon as we’re done.

Minako: That sounds great. Thanks, Duane! I’ll review the notes and provide feedback afterward.

Duane: Perfect! Thanks for letting me know, Minako.

In this scenario, Minako politely declined the invitation by explaining that she has a client call at the same time. She went a step further by offering alternatives, suggesting either rescheduling for later in the day or reviewing the meeting minutes afterward.

2. Declining a Meeting Invitation (Casual Setting)

Now, let’s look at how you would decline an invitation in a more casual setting:

A friend asks you to meet up, but you have a prior commitment. You respond casually but politely.



Minako: Hey Duane, we’re getting together this Saturday for brunch. Are you free to join?

Duane: Hey Minako! That sounds fun, but I’ve already promised to help my cousin move this weekend. I won’t be able to make it, unfortunately.

Minako: No worries at all! We’ll definitely miss you, though.

Duane: Yeah, I wish I could come. Maybe we can catch up next weekend instead?

Minako: That’s a great idea! Let’s plan for next weekend. I’ll keep you posted.

Duane: Sounds good, Minako. Have a great time at brunch!

Similarly, in this scenario, Duane expressed his regret about having prior commitments but suggested catching up next weekend when he’s available.


From both scenarios, we can see the importance of being polite and considerate when declining an invitation, whether in a professional or casual setting. Offering an alternative or expressing a desire to reconnect shows that you’re still interested in maintaining the relationship, even if you’re unavailable at the moment. It’s all about balancing honesty with courtesy, ensuring that your response is both respectful and thoughtful.


We’d love to hear from you! If you have any suggestions for topics or conversation scenarios you’d like us to cover in future episodes, feel free to reach out. Let us know what would be most helpful for you, and we’ll do our best to include it in an upcoming episode.

Thanks for joining us today at Dee’s English Studio. We hope you found these tips helpful. Keep practicing, and we’ll see you next time!

[Duane and Minako]: Goodbye!


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